safe sisters
Join our Gathering
Join our next Safe Sisters Gathering for a powerful day of intercultural and intergenerational conversation focused on the safety, healing and empowerment of women.
Her Space
12/126-130 Compton Rd
(Compton Plaza)
QLD 4114
key note speaker.
Stay tuned for the amazing key note speaker for this event!
register now.
join our movement
Be part of our Safe Sisters movement where we believe every young woman should feel safe and empowered in their bodies.
Our Ethni sisterhood is passionate about our sisters having the information, resources and spaces they need to be safe or heal from sexual violence.
Too many women experience sexual violence every day and only 19% ever report it! We want this to change - from reducing how many women have to experience it, to having more young women having the confidence and access to the services they need after it has happened.
keep the conversation going
We want the conversation about Sexual Violence to never stop until no one else has to experience it. To be part of the conversation or seek support with an amazing sisterhood, Ethni will continue to provide safe spaces for our Safe Sisters movement to continue and for young women to get support to talk, learn and heal.
You can be part of the Conversation at:
Conversations: Our monthly social mental health group - a safe space for young women to come together to talk about life’s ups and downs and get support from their sisters. Click here for more information and to join.
Safe Sisters Gatherings: Every 6 months, we will host a gathering for women of all ages to join together to talk about the issues most important to them regarding violence against women. Each event will be lead by our team of young women. Email us at sisterhood@ethni.com.au if you’d like to be notified of the next event.
Our recent Safe Sisters gathering with over 40 women
what is sexual violence?
Sexual violence represents various unwanted, non-consenual behaviours and language that makes a person feel uncomfortable, scared or threatened.
Sexual violence is NOT:
consenual sex
sexual intercourse
love or intimacy
the victims fault
Sexual violence can make you feel anxious, threatened, uncomfortable, numb, traumatised, ashamed and depressed.
Sexual violence is the responsibility of the perpetrator.
No-one deserves sexual violence.
what is consent?
Consent is about communication and is active, not passive.
Consent should happen every time - it is not assumed.
Enthusiastic consent is about looking for a YES, rather than the absence of a NO.
Consent is clear - there are no blurred lines.
Consent can be withdrawn AT ANY TIME.
Consensual intimacy should feel safe, confident, certain, informed, respected, willing and comfortable.
red & green flags
No is a short and simple word, but it can be hard to say.
What should you be aware of? Red flags!
Red flags or warning signs include:
coercive behaviour/language
threats of any kind
social pressure
emotional blackmail
put downs/making you feel bad about yourself
not acknowledging NO
badgering and pressure
guilt trips
denying affection/punishing you for saying no
Look for green flags as signs of a healthy relationship.
being a safe sister ally
Strengthening our sisterhood starts with believing.
We need to start to check ourselves and those around us when we start to turn to victim blaming and shaming.
It has become part of rape culture to victim blame and this leads to women being less likely to report experiences of sexual assault and violence and get the support they need.
It can also lead to self-blame, which stops women from being able to heal from their trauma.
Be an ally:
I believe you
I’m sorry that happened
How can I help
Let’s start seeing, hearing and believing survivors of sexual violence! It is not their fault and they deserve safe spaces to seek support and heal.
sexual violence support services
We know taking that first step to getting support can be a big leap of faith. But it’s worth it and we know a few amazing organisations that will be there for you all the way. You can contact them directly, or if we can help do a referral for you or support you in anyway, please contact us on sisterhood@ethni.com.au or DM us on Instagram - @ethni.aus.
Zig Zag
Zig Zag provides a place of healing, support and social action for young women aged 12-25 years who have experienced sexual assault.
Centre Against Sexual Violence (CASV)
CASV is committed to ending sexual violence against women and their children through healing, education and prevention.
Gold Coast
Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence
A specialist sexual violence intervention and prevention agency that provides counselling, education and advocacy.
(07) 5591 1164
1800 respect
Nation-wide 24/7 support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.